Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Top Tips to Improve Your Website Designs Introduction

It’s a common saying that “Necessity is the Mother of the Invention”. We see that, the maxim has brought big changes in every walk of life. Necessity has forced people to search new sources and ways to avail their facilities for and by themselves. Information Technology too could not help being affected by it. Now we find that with the help of common web designing tools and information, almost everyone can create his or her own website. Here are some important tips and rules that can help you to create and improve your website.

Make the Balance of Your Website - It’s a million dollar question that when a user enters your website, where he starts hovering your page? It’s been found through various studies and surveys that, when a user enters your site, he stays at the upper left and slowly tracks to the right. Here it’s considered that the web user concentrates on the texts rather than images and graphics. Here the Art of Balance works. The art of making balance not only makes the page more visually appealing but also helps visitor to read contents and reach items and services easily.

Simplicity of Layouts, Designs and Color Scheme - Clear all the unnecessary visual stuff from the site, rather than flashy images and dark colors, simple layouts, designs and color scheme attracts more than ever visitors your site. Visitor doesn’t like to lose himself in entangled designs and information of your page. If you have not made it simple, then simply the visitor would leave the page immediately. Therefore it’s strongly recommended that you keep it easy to understand and user friendly. Don’t forget to keep some white space on the page. It would  let the other items and images stand out on existing on the page.

Selection of Font Style and Size - The selection of font style and shows that how much you are familiar with the taste of the visitor, moving to your site. It does make affect on the mind of the visitor. But it’s not very difficult to choose right font style and size. Now a day the style that is popular and the user is familiar with are San serif fonts, such as Arial , Calibri  and  Verdana. These fonts are appreciated by the on screen readers. Do keep the size in your mind. The font size you are going to select , we have  already recommended above should not at all be smaller than 10 points and not more than 14 points. This is because you are neither going to make the visitor to read your page from any distance of the screen and nor forcing him to read by leaning to the monitor screen.

Easy Navigating Tool - Make it sure to offer easy navigation tool to the visitors to your website. Make a toolbar with external links. The toolbar mist be kept in a place that makes sense. Evenly the user look for the toolbar across the down left of on the top of the left side of the page. Now we are going to mention a memorable point, often forgot or ignored. It’s not to provide a link to your home page.

These are a few tips, which can help you to make a successful website design.

Copyright © 2011

TimeSeo is Web Designer in London based Web Design Company providing Logo Design London and Seo in London  in United Kingdom.

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